Mac Games
Browse a list of some of the most popular Mac Games of course we also include and regularly feature fresh MacOS games that you might have not heard about just yet.
Most of these games also work on OS X Yosemite, OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra and we usually mention that when we make the post.
Pages in category 'Mac video games' The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

We update this category constantly but we are always looking for new games, do not be shy, please contact us and tell us if we think we should feature your game or another game that you think people should definitely give a chance.
Best Mac Games to download right now
» Football Manager 2020 for Mac
»LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 for Mac

- Divinity Original Sin II – Definitive Edition Mac Game Free Download Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition Mac Game Free Download Death and Taxes 1.1.7 Mac Game Free Download.
- EA GAMES FOR MAC. From high fantasy to competitive sports – you can tap into the excitement of EA's hottest Mac games! Unleash your imagination in The Sims 4, rise to power and fight epic battles in Dragon Age II, build a living world where every choice matters in SimCity, and more.
»Subnautica for Mac
» Surviving Mars for Mac
Recently, I was fully hooked on the newly-released AR game Pokémon Go, which is dramatically different from the traditional games. And I also wanna capture a game video tutorial to guide newcomers how to play Pokémon Go. The problem is that I have no any video game recorder standby. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
Games For Macbook

Golf Video Games For Mac

I have been trying to make Minecraft Videos recently but I just CAN'T find a screen recorder that doesn't lag REALLY bad. I mean, I've tried screen recording software that other people say work fine, but when I try them, the LAG SO BAD! I'm on a mac, and I want a screen recorder that can keep up with the 30 fps rate.
Do you have the similar experience? When you try to record a video gameplay clips on Mac, you can't find a solid screen video game recorder. Maybe many a user suggests you to have a try on QuickTime player, but the disappointing thing is that the QuickTime recorded video flashes sometimes like twice a second. It doesn't flash that much at places with fewer people, it's better at arena, and worst at bg's and dungeons. That's hard to bear. Luckily, there is a silver lining for you: have a try on the prevailing video game recorder from MacXDVD.